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Daily Mail Online每日邮报(英): Chinese scientists built an 'Iron Maninspired'robot with jet-powered feet

字体: 2018年03月26日 浏览量: 作者:ANNIE PALMER 编辑:朱小翠 来源:Daily Mail Online 2018/3/23

Chinese scientists built an 'Iron Maninspired'

robot with jet-powered feet

that can do a SPLIT to prevent it from

falling as it crosses wide gaps

●The robot, called Jet-HR1, has two small jet engines that are attached to its feet

●The jet engines only weigh 232 grams, but they can produce up to 2kg of thrust

●Jet-HR1 was able to step over a 37cm-wide gap that represented 80% of its leg


Chinese scientists have developed a robot that could be straight out of the Iron Man movies.

The two-legged bot is outfitted with small jet engines that are attached to its feet.

Robotics engineers at Guangdong University of Tech's School of Automation in China strapped two duct fans to the robot's feet which allow it to cross wider distances than it would have been able to previously.


Robotics engineers at Guangdong University of Tech's School of Automation in China developed a bipedal robot that can cross wide distances, thank to two small jet engines


It alsosolves a major problem commonly experienced by robot developers.

Most bipedal robots are only capable of making static movements like walking forward in short, controlled steps.

When walking across a challenging terrain, or facing some kind of obstacle that they must step over, things become a bit more challenging and, at times, dangerous.

That's why many robots have been known to fall over when charged with more complex tasks or movements.

Humans are able to twist and contort their bodies in order to keep themselves from falling, while robots don't possess that capability.

But the Chinese robot, called Jet-HR1, isn't likely to fall because the jet engines are able to balance its center of gravity.



The robot, called Jet-HR1, is outfited with two jet engines that are strapped to its feet.The jets only weigh 232 grams, but they can produce up to 2kg of thrust, according to scientists


Jet-HR1 is just 65cm, or roughly two feet, tall and weighs 6.5kg.

Its jet engines only weigh 232 grams, but they can produce up to 2kg of thrust, which is nearly a third of the entire weight of the entire robot, according to IEEE Spectrum.

So while Jet-HR1 is incapable of flying through the air just yet,the engines still pack plenty of power that allow it to complete more tasks at an even quicker pace.

In a video, Jet-HR1 can be seen stepping over a large gap that's 37cm wide.

To get over the gap, the robot had tocomplete a step length that represented 80% of its leg, IEEE noted.

The robot extended a leg first,stretching it all the other side,in a move that almost looks like a split.

Once it's anchored on the other side of the gap, the robot then pushes off with its other leg, which gives it enough momentum to stand up almost completely straight.

In all, it took the robot less than a minute to maneuver the gap, which is much faster than it would have taken previously.

Without the fans, Jet-HR1 would only be able to cross a distance that was 3.5-inches wide, according to Gizmodo.

Assisted by the jet engines, the robot could potentially cross distances that are up to 1.5 feet wide, which is roughly 97% of the robot leg's length.



The bipedal robot Jet-HR1 is just 65cm, or roughly two feet, tall and weighs 6.5kg


The researchers believe that the findings could be applied to many robots that face more challenging search and rescue missions.

It could also lead to more futuristic applications, like flying robots powered by jet thrusters--an image that inspired researchers involved in the latest study.

'We were more or less inspired by science fiction,Zhifeng Huang,one of the researchers involved in the study ,told IEEE.



 A video shows the Jet-HR1 crossing a wide gap between two surfaces. It took the robot less than a minute to maneuver the gap, which is much faster than it would have taken previously


'In fact, we considered this idea two years ago, when we noticed the mobility limitation of humanoid robots when going through rubble and debris in an earthquake aftermath scenario'

'...That’s why we think a new method that enables the robot to maintain a quasi-static balance and produces a less significant impact whil it steps over obstacles is necessary‘

'And our idea was utilizing the external force of the jets to maintain the balance of the robot,' he added.

Huang noted that the jet propulsion technique could lead to further advancements in how robots are able to jump, teeter on one leg, perform 3D movements and reduceimpact during 'dynamic motion.'

















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